Semester Reminders

  1. Send course registration (course number, title, and number of credits) to your counselor.
  2. Send form B or B/C: Book Reimbursement/Tuition claim with receipts.
  3. Submit grades when classes are complete.
  4. Submit Form C: Release Time Reimbursement.

Yearly Reminders

  1. Complete an update form (Form U (PDF)) when starting a new contract

a. Submit a new wage report.
b. Submit new HHS license/registration, QRS\IQ4K, NAEYC accreditation certificates as applicable.

2. If renewing your contract

a. Sign and submit new contract by contract renewal deadline (July 15 for fall, November 15 for spring, and April 30 for summer).
b. Reapply for FAFSA each school year and submit results to your counselor.



Financial Aid Information

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